Cherry Coke

Monday, November 28, 2005

One traffic ticket- $75
Fees for towing services-$115
Sliding into a ditch one hour into a ten hour drive- priceless

Yes, that's right, we ran into a minor snaffoo on the way back to Tennessee yesterday. The weather could not have been more rainy and more windy. Bellie was driving and hit a very slick spot on the road and hit her brakes and that was it. We spun around and landed in a ditch facing the opposite direction. We were fine, and the car was fine, but it was still slightly unnerving. Someone saw it and called the cops. Luckily the cop was a total jerk making the uncomfortable situation even more uncomfortable. He yelled at my crying sister about her bad driving choices. He was like "you're the fifth car we've had to pull out of the ditch today." Like it's our fault the crappy weather made for too slick roads. He called a tow truck and gave my sister a ticket for "improper lane usage". Then he had to leave because someone else slid into a pole like five feet up the road. The time between when he left and the tow truck came was the freakiest. When the police car was there with the lights on everyone was driving like two past us, after he left everyone drove like 100 miles an hour. And everyone was sliding back and forth on the same slick spot Bellie hit. I was positive someone else was going to spin out and land on top of us in the ditch. Luckily nothing happened and the tow truck guy came and got us in about a minute. Then $200 and one hour later we were on our way. We called our parents and they freaked out. All of their daughters (including my pregnant older sister) were in the car, so they were slightly worried until we finally made it back safe and sound. Now I'm a little more nervous to drive in rain, but we're all okay and that's what's important.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Historical revisionists will shock the world with the revelation that Fuzzy Wuzzy was not a bear who had no hair, but instead was a cruel dictator who murdered his own people.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

"How do you know so much about Oops I Crapped My Pants?"
-"Because I'm wearing them, and I just did."

Have you ever been so annoyed with someone that you just wanted to complain about them on your blog, but you can't because you know that person reads your blog, so instead you leave an ambiguous message leaving everyone you know to wonder if you're annoyed with them? Have you ever done that? Not me, I would never do that. I love you all.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

So I wrote out this really long post then decided it was long and boring. Turns out I can ramble on forever and not really have anything interesting to say. So I'm not going to write anything. Well, other than these sentences. You know what? Maybe y'all should entertain me. That's right, the tables have turned. Okay, that doesn't even make sense. I need to get more sleep.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Well I have been sufficiently repremanded for my week long absence from the blogger world. I apologize to anyone who repeatedly checked this only to find my hump, my hump, over and over again. What have I been up to you ask? I've been up to a lot, but I don't feel like typing it all out, so I'll just discuss some highlights. And by highlights I mean stuff that won't take too long to type out. Let's start at the beginning of the week shall we. Well monday was Halloween, a festive holiday, so to celebrate my friend Lindsey decided to send me a festive email. Through this email I have discovered that I do not like surprises. This is what the email was. It said to click on the attached link then look at the two pictures and find the 3 things that are different in them. So while I'm staring as closely at the stupid screen as I can with the volume of my speakers up high trying to find the supposed differences, the face of sheer evil pops up on my screen joined with loud demonic screeching. I handled the situation the same way any mature adult would handle it. I screamed hysterically turned off my entire computer and proceeded to run around the room screaming nonstop for about three minutes. Then I didn't get back on my computer for two days because of the memory. I did make my sister send Missy the email so that I could share the lovely experience. Unfortunately Missy couldn't get the link to work so she never got to see it, so I just told her what it was. If any of you would like me to send it to you so you can make fun of me just let me know. You know you want to see the face of sheer evil. Now that it's November the halloween season is over and it's time to think about Thanksgiving. Most people skip right over Thanksgiving and move on to Christmas, but I am not one of those people. I like to thoroughly enjoy every holiday. I did however put up some Christmas lights, buy some eggnogg and watch Holiday Inn. So I cheated a little on my nothing Chrismassy until after Thanksgiving rule, but it won't go any farther. Oh and in my very first blogaroo I mentioned that I was going to start reading Gone With the Wind, well that was two months ago but I didn't start reading it until last week but I've finished now and I really liked it. Now I want to watch the movie because I've never seen it. Hhhmmm.....I feel as if I am now just starting to ramble incoherently. I should end this now. Just one last thing, I love bats!