Cherry Coke

Friday, October 14, 2005

It's been a pretty good week. It's a shame it's over. On wednesday I went shopping with my mom and my sisters. I got a new sweatshirt. Very exciting. I live for sweatshirts. Then on thursday my sisters and I went and got our hair cut. We refuse to do anything separate. I was fairly disappointed though and here's why.....When the lady was cutting my sisters' hair this is what she kept saying "I can't believe how thick your hair is. It's so thick!" Then I went last and this is what she said "I can't believe how how fine and thin your hair is. I mean, it is really thin!" Seriously, she just could not get over how thin my hair is. I now have a complex that I am going bald. I told my mom I need to buy rogain and she just told me I'm crazy. Which is fine because I am crazy. Then after we got our hair done we all went with Goldie for her first baby doctor appointment (and yes "baby doctor" is the technical term). While we were in the waiting room I ran into my friend Sarah. And I knocked her right over. Okay, probably nobody got that or thought that was funny, but I'm laughing hysterically so that's all that matters. In actuality I did not knock her over because she is nine months pregnant, so we just talked. She is pregnant with her third kid. She is my age and she now has three kids! I just could not believe it. Her mom and one of her little girls was with her. The oldest wasn't there because she was in preschool. Sarah did not start having kids until 2 years after we graduated highschool. How is her daughter already 4?! I'm so old. I just cannot believe how old I am! Her youngest daughter Alyssa was there and just cute as a button. Apparantly she just recently got a stuffed cat and Sarah told me Alyssa named it Puss Puss. I guess she just runs up to strangers and asks them "Do you want to pet my puss puss?" I laughed hysterically at that too. Today we went shopping again and I got some new shoes. They're super cute. Too bad none of you will ever see them because I never see anyone anymore. Except for Missy, and she did see them. But she didn't notice that I hacked off all my hair! Way to go Missy! After shopping Missy met up with us and we went to a movie. We saw The Fog. It was a lot like the original except creepier. It was good movie but the ending was dumb and too abrupt. Oh and today is my sister's birthday so Happy Birthday Goldie! Just like the movie, the ending to this is going to be dumb and too abrupt.


At 8:27 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

I just probably couldn't tell you got your hair cut because your hair is so thin!!


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