Cherry Coke

Saturday, June 17, 2006

It's 11:00 at night, it's pitch black out and I've got nothing to do. Hhmm, maybe I'll do what my neighbor's are doing and mow my lawn! That's right. My neighbor's decided last night that the best time to mow their lawn was in the middle of the night. My hillbilly neighbors are so weird! Luckily the country music has been turned down because my other neighbors have started yelling at them. Of course those are the neighbors that sit around their bonfire everynight yelling "git-r-done." Seriously. I'm actually not sure that I left Tennesee. Do I still live in the South? My neighbors seem to think so. By the way, I think I might stab the next person I hear say git-r-done. Or just look at them with an expression on my face that isn't very nice. Whatever.


At 10:50 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

You are so freaking funny. I just read your post aloud to my parents and they were even laughing. You need to tell stories for a living. Stories about your hillbilly neighbors especially.

You'd probably appreciate the garage sale stories I'd have from some of the morons in Streator today. We had a garage sale and this lady actually tried to ask us to go down from like $2.00 to $1.00 on a brand new wallet, and we said no, b/c it was like 7:30 a.m.--so BEFORE the sale was scheduled to start. And then, she proceeded to pay for everything she bought with a HUNDRED dollar bill. What?!?


At 1:43 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

What a weirdo! I mean if she only has a hundred dollar bill with her then clearly she needs to haggle the price of a 2 dollar wallet! I should introduce her to my neighbor. I'm pretty sure he's single. They could make some beautiful hillbilly babies.


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