Cherry Coke

Monday, June 12, 2006

I am fully aware that I suck at blogging. When was the last time my posts were longer than 3 sentences long? I don't even know. Luckily today I have much to discuss. I have exciting news. I have kittens! Or more precisely the cat that lives in my back yard that I feed even though she refuses to be nice to me had kittens. I think there are only three but they live under my stairs and I can't get to them. So like the mentally healthy person that I am I sit at my back door and stare outside waiting for them to crawl out. Then I grab them and force them to love me. So far it hasn't worked, but I refuse to give up. If anyone wants a soon to be friendly kitten just let me know. Mandy? Allison? I'm giving away two so that's one for each of you. I know how you both love cats.

On to other topics. My hilliblly neighbors are testing my patience and I have grown to hate them completely. Every night from 5 to 11 they sit out in their back yard and blare their country music. Every single night! They drive me crazy. If they're not blaring their music then they're yelling at their dogs "Stop barking! Stop barking!" The yelling on top of the barking on top of the music makes me want to hire some people to "take care of the problem." I hate them.

In sad news my sister and brother-in-law have gone back to Tennessee and have taken my nephew with them. I am heartbroken and will never recover. I miss him. He's the cutest baby in the whole world!

And finally, on Wednesday I will be visiting Missy. She has promised to throw a huge party including noise makers and one of those blow up bouncy castle things. It should be quite the shindig. Well that's all for now. I promise to post again as soon as about a month.


At 7:22 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

You are the funniest person I know. You weren't supposed to advertise for the party. I don't have enough noise makers!

I can't wait to hang out!

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

what? i wasn't invited to the party? j/k. it's ok. i have a wedding to go to anyways!

however, are we EVER going to plan any birthday extravaganza? or did you guys plan another party for when i'm gone (as i always seem to be during the june b-days...) if i need to plan it, let me know and i can!

And I will gladly make the sacrifice and generously offer Allison my portion of the kittens. ;-) No thanks.

Your neighbors sound hilarious. I love it. however, i'm sorry you have to bear it.

and i miss you!


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