Cherry Coke

Monday, January 23, 2006

Sometimes when you live in a small town you get really bored and find really weird things to do to entertain yourself. Whenever Lindsey and I get bored we like to send weird emails or leave weird messages on people's phones. I have no idea why we find this so amusing, but it never fails to leave us rolling on the ground in laughter. While looking through some old emails, Ellie found one that we sent her last year. It is just so beautiful that I feel it is my duty to share it. So here it is.

"This is Lindsey, I have 5 babies. Rachel is their godmother. A FAIRY GODMOTHER! (not the gay kind). She grants my children wishes! (and their mother :D) She turned me into a PUMPkin (insert voice inflection). One of my babies is a DRAGON!! He breathes fire and worst of all, he eats pumpkins. I'm afraid for my life because he never listens to me when I tell him to quit biting my arm. Do you want dragon babies? Do you want to be a pumpkin? Then get yourself your own fairy Godmother.

Boogers and Rupert"

I was Boogers, she was Rupert. Now I don't actually remember taking drugs, but that is the only explanation for that nonsense. Before you judge remember what I said..........small town.........boredom.

In other news, I have a serious case of Nintendo thumb today. This comes from playing Mario tennis all weekend with Lauren, Lindsey and Ellie. I refuse to believe that we need to get out more.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

are you serious? you need therapy! Ha, so there!

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, do you "Leave weird messages and send weird emails to "people"...or just me?? Next time you should leave the beautiful e-mail you wrote me about your long journey to the writing center.

At 6:34 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

that is really funny.

i should make more phone calls like that.

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh the memories! Why would anyone think that we were on drugs when that was written?

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Lucas said...

Don't worry, eventually you just develop caluses on your thumb. That is how us single men identify each other.

He has well defined thumbs, he must not have a girlfriend.


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