Cherry Coke

Monday, May 07, 2007

Well, it's Springtime for Hillbillies in Pontiac. My extremely classy neighbors had some company this weekend. Surprisingly enough there was no loud blaring music. I mean there was plenty of country music, don't get me wrong. But it was kept at a reasonable volume for most of the weekend. I can only assume that won't last long though. There was plenty of hootin' and hollerin' however. Literally--lots of hollerin'. As well as a few yee haws.........And so it begins. Hillbilly season! Darn neighbors! Luckily for you, thus also begins my non-stop complaining. Don't act like you don't like it!

Oh and I lied about keeping you posted about the little neighbor girl. She did in fact come back several time asking me to play with her. However it has been several weeks since her last journey into my yard, so I think she has finally gotten the idea that I genuinely don't want to play.

And in other good news, I am looking forward to an impending visit from friends (and/or sibling)! Yay for friends! (and/or siblings)


At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello just my sister! Can't wait to see you! We are going to have so much fun! I can't stop using exclamation points!

At 8:35 PM, Blogger GGLJAbles said...

I visited you two weeks ago, were is the blog on that?????

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Lucas said...

This is in fact my favorite time of year to read your blog. It's a magical season.... for me... and the hillbillies


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